Statement of Purpose Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs -

Philippe Barr, PhD
10 min readJul 7, 2023


A statement of purpose (SOP) is a critical document to help graduate admissions committee members to know you better as an applicant. As you plan to apply for a graduate program, sending a well-written SOP can make a difference in making the cut. However, many prospective graduate students end up making common mistakes when writing their SOP, thus failing to make a lasting impact on their admission application. In this blog post, you will learn the common statement of purpose mistakes you should avoid and how to make your SOP impactful and impressive.

Waiting until the last minute

One of the greatest statement of purpose mistakes is poor time management. To ensure a high-quality outcome, it is recommended to start working on your SOP weeks before the deadline. Putting off tasks until the last minute can result in rushed work and a low-quality final product.

Relying too heavily on samples

It is important to avoid copying paragraphs from the internet for your statement of purpose. Writing your own statement shows effort and dedication, while copied paragraphs are easily identified by professors reviewing your application. Please do not take the easy way out and put in the hard work to create an original statement.

When applying to graduate school, it’s not a good idea to copy someone else’s statement of purpose in an attempt to impress the admissions committee. This can lead to disappointment or rejection. Instead, focus on writing an original statement that reflects your own goals and experiences.

Not following the instructions

The primary purpose of the SOP is to communicate to the admission committee why you’re the right fit for their program. It’s crucial that you follow all the instructions and guidelines provided by the university or school. This includes word limits, formatting, and content requirements. Remember that the admission committee has to go through hundreds of applications. If your SOP doesn’t meet their criteria, it’s unlikely that they’ll spend extra time on it.

Sloppy introduction and conclusion

Not paying enough attention on the opening and closing of an argument ranks high among the most common statement of purpose mistakes we see time and time again. To make a good impression, start your essay with a strong introduction. This is the first thing that readers see, so it’s important to make it powerful. One way to do this is to use a relevant quote that summarizes your academic experience or aspirations. This will help grab the attention of the admissions committee and encourage them to read your entire 1000-word essay.

The way you conclude your SOP is important since it is the final impression that the reader takes away from your essay. Clearly state your expectations from the university and explain how you plan to contribute to the university. In your conclusion, demonstrate your understanding of the university and the program you are applying for.

Focusing on generic information

Your SOP should reflect why you’re interested in this specific program. Avoid generic statements and cliches that don’t apply to the program. Instead, stick to your personal interests and how they align with the program you’re applying to. Do your research on the university’s website, program requirements, and faculty members. Use this information to tailor your SOP and show the committee that you’re a dedicated and informed candidate.

Overloading the SOP with unnecessary information

A statement of purpose is not an opportunity to showcase your life history or every achievement you’ve ever had. Stick to the information relevant to the program and your future academic goals. Avoid using technical terms that the admission committee may not understand. Use clear and concise language to get your message across. A good SOP should present your achievements and goals in a way that is clear and focused.

Lack of clarity

One of the most common statement of purpose mistakes is failing to provide clear and concise information about your background, experience, and future goals. Your SOP should clearly answer the following questions: Who are you? What are your achievements? Why do you want to pursue this graduate program? How will this program help you achieve your long-term career goals? Avoid vague statements that do not show your motivation and uniqueness. Graduate admissions committees should be able to connect with your SOP by reading a clear message that describes your professional objectives and career goals. Instead of writing a summary that is too general, try to connect and convey your unique passion for the program.

Poor Organization and Structure

Without proper structure and well-organized goals, your SOP will be difficult to read and understand. The committee members will lose interest, and you will miss out on an opportunity to showcase your skills and experience. A good SOP should have a structured introduction that gives readers an idea of what to expect, a body with detailed information on your individual accomplishments, research interests, and how the academic program plays a critical role in your expectation. Lastly, a conclusion that summarizes why you’re a good fit. Develop your ideas throughout the SOP in a cohesive manner. When you’re done writing it, read it out loud and look for any sections that appear to be unrelated or disjointed — these sections should be reworked until the entire paper flows seamlessly.

Failing to Show, Not Tell

Many students make the mistake of listing their achievements or simply stating their abilities. However, a strong SOP should show how your experiences have prepared you for graduate school and your intended program. Use concrete examples to demonstrate your strengths, and explain how they relate to the skills required for success in your field.

Being Overly Informal

Ranking higt amont the common statement of purpose mistakes that could hurt you: failing to use the proper tone. Avoid using colloquial language or slang, and express yourself in a professional manner. Keep in mind that you’re trying to convince the admissions committee that you’re a serious candidate, so it’s essential to present yourself as such.

Being too personal

Some applicants make the mistake of making their SOP too personal and not focusing enough on their academic qualifications. While it is important to demonstrate your enthusiasm and passion for your field of study, this should not come at the expense of discussing your academic background and goals. Be sure to strike a balance and emphasize your academic achievements and aspirations as well as your motivations for pursuing graduate study.

While it’s important to show who you are and what motivates you, being overly emotional or informal in your SOP can be detrimental.

Failure to Make a Strong Argument

Your statement of purpose should make a compelling and strong argument as to why you are an excellent candidate for the program. You should explain what you can bring to the program and how it can help you achieve your career goals. Be sure to highlight your strengths, experiences, and academic achievements related to your chosen field of study.

Writing a Bland Statement

Writing a bland SOP is another one of many statement of purpose mistakes to avoid when looking to impress admissions committees. Don’t be afraid to discuss your unique passions, accomplishments, and ambition with the committee while writing your statement of purpose. It is your perfect opportunity to showcase your background, and you should ensure that your statement is memorable to the reader.

Making it all about yourself

A common mistake people make when writing their SOP is to focus only on themselves. While you need to talk about your achievements and goals, it’s also essential to show why you’ll be a valuable addition to the program. You can do this by explaining how your academic interests will contribute to the program’s research or how you’ll use your skills to benefit your peers. Be sure to show the admission committee why you’re a team player, and how you’ll add value to the program.

Grammatical Errors and Typos

Grammatical errors, typos, and formatting are some of the most common mistakes in SOPs. Ensure you proofread your document multiple times. You could also get a friend or a professional to read through to identify any errors. Typos or grammatical errors in your SOP can change the context of the text, which can impact your application negatively. Even the most convincing SOPs will not make a good impression if they are riddled with spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

Ignoring the importance of editing

A poorly edited SOP can ruin your chances of getting into a program. It’s essential to review your document multiple times and ask for feedback from professors, colleagues, or professionals. Ensure that your SOP is free of grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and inconsistencies. Your statement of purpose should be professional, polished, and error-free.

Talking Excessively About Your High School Achievements

Many applicants focus on their high school achievements, experiences, and accolades in their SOP. This is not necessarily the right way to go because these achievements don’t hold much value in the higher education world. Instead focus primarily on your college-level research, projects, and publications because that’s what graduate schools want to see.

Failure to demonstrate research

Graduate schools want to admit students who are passionate and knowledgeable about the field and have already done some research or work in related areas. One mistake is to write an SOP that lacks research or experience. Outline specific projects you’ve worked on or researched, relevant classwork that you’ve taken, and knowledge you’ve gained from attending conferences or seminars.

Failing to relate to the school or program

To make your application stand out, you should show the admissions committee how you relate to the university and its program. This means that you need to conduct thorough research on both the program and the school. Explain how the department’s research topics align with the skills and experience you bring while also emphasizing specific aspects of that institution that make you want to join.

Lack of authenticity

Exaggerating a job application is not uncommon, but it is important to distinguish it from deliberate lying. When completing your Statement of Purpose (SOP) for college admissions, it is crucial to be honest as the admissions committee may contact your reference and uncover any false information.

When describing your accomplishments, aim for modesty and simplicity instead of coming across as overconfident or arrogant. The goal is to present yourself as a curious, focused, and motivated individual, even if you know you are incredibly talented.

Making the SOP too long or too short

The length of your SOP is important too. If your SOP is too short, you may not be able to fully convey your qualifications and motivations. If it is too long, your readers may become bored and lose interest before they get to the end. Most programs will have guidelines for the length of the SOP; be sure to follow them carefully. If there are no guidelines, aim for a length of 1–2 pages, or around 500–1000 words.

Not seeking a second opinion

It is recommended to seek external assistance when writing a draft, whether it be from someone you are familiar with or someone who understands your intentions well. While writing on your own, it is important to get a second opinion as what may seem ordinary to you may be exceptional to someone else, and vice versa. Having a secondary perspective can prevent or remedy such misunderstandings.

Remember that when you write your life story, you should be the one holding the pen. If someone else writes your essay, it will portray a different story. You are the one who knows your goals and aspirations best. Seeking help from an industry expert can make a significant difference in how you present yourself. They can assist you in showcasing your academic achievements and career ambitions effectively.

Asking for too many people’s opinion

The saying “Too Many Cooks Spoil the Dish” means that involving too many people can cause confusion and make the task more difficult to complete. This applies to writing documents, such as a standard operating procedure (SOP), where involving multiple people can result in a messy and unfinished document. It is better to seek help from a subject matter expert who knows what to include and exclude in the SOP to ensure its effectiveness.


In addition to your GPA, GRE, and research experience, your statement of purpose is a critical component of your graduate admissions application, designed to convey not only your writing ability but also your motivations, ambitions, and plans to pursue your chosen field of study. It is crucial to avoid common statement of purpose mistakes, as they could detract from your strengths as a candidate. By following the tips above, you can create a well-crafted and persuasive SOP that reflects your passion, aspirations, experience, and qualifications and convinces the admission committee of your suitability for the program. The small investment of time in writing a great SOP will surely pay itself off in the future. If you need any help writing or editing your statement of purpose, make sure to check out our statement of purpose services. We offer a complete package (we start from scratch) and hourly editing services. Got questions? Sign up for a consultation, or send us your draft for an estimate. It’s FREE!

With a Master’s from McGill University and a Ph.D. from New York University, Dr. Philippe Barr is the founder of The Admit Lab. As a tenure-track professor, Dr. Barr spent a decade teaching and serving on several graduate admission committees at UNC-Chapel Hill before turning to full-time consulting. With more than seven years of experience as a graduate school admissions consultant, Dr. Barr has stewarded the candidate journey across multiple master’s and Ph.D. programs and helped hundreds of students get admitted to top-tier graduate programs all over the world.

Follow me on Instagram and TikTok for tips and tricks on navigating the grad school application process and weekly live Q&A sessions!

Originally published at on July 7, 2023.



Philippe Barr, PhD

I am Philippe Barr, founder of The Admit Lab, a graduate school admissions consultancy that helps students get admitted into grad school: